Thursday, January 26, 2012

Parenting FAIL

I pride myself in knowing my kids.  I think I have a pretty good idea of what is going on with them at all times. While they may argue that I don't know them at all, I am in tune with what makes them tick. 

I remember when they made most of their growth and development milestones.  I know when they had their last set of shots, what their social security numbers are, and the passwords to their email and facebook accounts.  Sometimes I can complete their sentences before they do.

Last night, there was a meeting for all parents who have students involved in the spring musical.  My son is getting involved in drama productions for the first time, and I was really excited to be at that meeting.  The teacher who runs the drama club asked for some simple information on each, email, interests and abilities.  The one that stumped me? What is your child's cell phone number?  Oopsie...Evidently Speed Dial 4 is not the right answer.

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